International Conference on Eastern Religions and Philosophy (ICERP)
The aim of the Conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both... view-more
Kariba, Zimbabwe
International Conference on Cultural Architecture and Philosophy (ICCAP)
Kumasi, Ghana
International Conference on Philosophy of Human Nutrition, Eating and Food Consumption (ICPHNEFC)
Cairo, Egypt
International Conference on Philosophy and Psychology (ICOPPA)
Gulu, Uganda
International Conference on African Studies and Philosophy (ICASP)
International Conference on Philosophy, Culture and Society (ICPCAS)
Durban, South Africa
International Conference on Western Religions and Philosophy (ICWRP)
Nairobi, Kenya
International Conference on Existentialism, Philosophy and Anxiety (ICEPA)
International Conference on Mathematics and Philosophy (ICMAP)
International Conference on Philosophy of Technology (ICPT)
Constantine, Algeria
International Conference on Buddhism and Philosophy of Religion (ICBPR)
Mutare, Zimbabwe
International Conference on Philosophy and Western Religions (ICPWR)
Biskra, Algeria
International Conference on Thought Experiments in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts (ICTESPA)
International Conference on Art and Art Philosophy (ICAAPHIL)
International Conference on Philosophy and Analogy (ICPA)
International Conference on Religious Education and Philosophy (ICREAP)
kano, Nigeria
International Conference on Philosophy, Critical Theory and Rationality (ICPCTR)
International Conference on Existentialism, Philosophy and Freedom (ICEPF)
Johannesburg, South Africa
International Conference on Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism (ICPTM)
International Conference on Philosophy (ICPHIL)
International Conference on Philosophy, Critical Theory and Metaphilosophy (ICPCTM)
International Conference on Philosophy, Science, Induction and Deduction (ICPSID)
Bamako, Mali
International Conference on Comparative Theology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion (ICCTPCR)
International Conference on Philosophy of Cybernetics (ICOPC)
International Conference on Political Theory, Thought and Philosophy (ICPTTP)
International Conference on Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Philosophy (ICCMTP)
Kampala, Uganda
International Conference on Buddhist Studies and Philosophy of Religion (ICBSPR)
International Conference on Philosophy and Analogical Arguments (ICPAA)
Alexandria, Egypt
International Conference on Politics and Philosophy (ICPPH)
International Conference on Philosophy Education and Applied Philosophy (ICPEAP)
International Conference on Philosophy of History (ICPH)
Benin, Nigeria
International Conference on Analytic Philosophy, Language and Mind (ICAPLM)
International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Multilingualism (ICPLM)